Johan Timmers is a director and writer, who worked around the clock, making a string of dramaseries, FIGHTGIRL (winner EFA Awards, best European youthfilm 2019), a slightly surrealistic film VREEMD BLOED (2010) hardcore comedies like LOENATIK, DE GEK!(2013), WONDERBROEDERS (2014) and painful human drama like the highly acclaimed dramaserie VOLGENS JAQUELINE.(2016)
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As a manager, what can you learn from films?
Making films and managing an organisation seem like two completely different forms of management, but in practice there are surprising similarities.
During a half-day session, min 1 to max 3.5 hours, I will take you into my world, the world of film, using images and practical examples. I promise an inspiring story in which you will not only gain new insights, but also get an insider's view of the fascinating world of film. The whole thing is set up as a workshop. The interactive part with the audience where I answer but also ask questions is an essential part.
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